
Only visible, accessible science is inclusive. Science communication and outreach are crucial tools for working towards this goal, and sharing science and plant love with the world is a core value of our lab. 

One of the best ways – if not the best – to learn, understand and create is through stories. As a scientist and interning journalist at different German print outlets (see articles below), I learned that building a story is an essential and often the hardest part not only of communicating science well with the public, but also of teaching and research. Reading and writing are thus instrumental for becoming and being an explorer and storyteller of the natural world: a scientist. 

While we are always on the lookout for opportunities to write about science (ping us!), it is also true that nothing fosters understanding better than 'living' a story through hands-on experiences. To build science adventures for everyone, we are looking forward to exploring our connections to the University and Jepson herbaria, the California Academy of Sciences, and the California Native Plant Society. Stay tuned for exciting future outreach!